Problems with pronunciation

He thinks his English pronunication is good!
¡Él cree que sus pronunciación en inglés es buena!
Vídeo para aprender inglés
Do you have problems with pronunciation in English? Were you upset that Game of Thrones wasn’t shown with subtitles? Everybody can have problems with pronunciation in English and subtitles. Let’s go to Live Leak for a hilarious interview!!
Need help understanding the TV News? Is your pronunciation a little weak? LinguaSuite will help you improve pronunciation, listening and all your skills in English.

Sign up here for any of 4 different courses and try any of them for free: LinguaSuite
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April Fool’s Day

Pingüinos encima del hielo con el presentador
Colony of penguins. Photo from the BBC


El día 1 de abril es nuestro día para hacer bromas, ¡nuestro 28 de diciembre! Te recomendamos este documental de la BBC sobre una colonia de pingüinos ¡que se van volando para pasar el invierno fuera! ¿A dónde van? ¡Míralo para saberlo! ¡Disfruta!

Los vídeos para aprender inglés de LinguaSuite


The 1st of April is our holiday to fool people! Here is a BBC documentary showing a colony of flying penguins! Where are they going? Watch it and find out!
We hope you enjoy it! We’re sending it to you to celebrate April Fool’s Day.
More interesting information about holidays here:
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The shortest day, the longest night!

gente corriendo una maraton


This week Saturday perhaps can be considered as one of our holdays — it’s the winter solstice. Or equinox?! Which is which? Pay attention now, here goes. Let’s learn some vocabulary and then see a video.
Equinox is like “equal”; day and night are the same length. So that’s not it, is it? Must be solstice, then. The shortest day (or the longest night)of the year is on or around the 21st of December.
I’ve heard some people say the shortest day is Santa Lucia, on the 13th. So which one is it? You can’t have the shortest day on two days!
It turns out both are correct. The 13th was the date of the winter solstice in the old Julian calendar; the 21st in the Gregorian calendar commonly used today by most countries.
So in most places in the Northern Hemisphere it’s pretty cold at this time of year. We’re getting ready for Christmas or Hanukkah, or New Year’s, and thinking that the car feels like the North Pole when we get in it in the morning to go to work.
What does all this have to do with the picture at the beginning of the post? Well, following along these season lines, we’ve chosen a video about the North Pole for this week.
Enjoy the music, read the facts and pay attention to the picture to help you understand and remember some new vocabulary.
Here are some of the words you will see in the video:
  1. Frozen solid = an expression we use to mean really, really frozen. My feet are frozen solid!
  2. 10 feet thick = Thick tells you the espesor. 10 feet is about 305 centimeters
  3. Sheet = a material that is thin and large is a sheet. A sheet of paper. A sheet of ice on the street.
  4. 32º F This is the temperature that water freezes at.
  5. Sunrise = the moment when you first see the sun in the morning when it comes over the horizon.
  6. Sunset = The last moment you see the sun before it goes below the horizon.
  7. A mile is about 1.6 kilometers
  8. Zip code = Post code in the US
  9. Find their way = arrive
  10. A sled = a land vehicle you can use to go down a hill on the snow. Traditionally made of wood, today there are high performance, extreme sleds on the market.
  11. Icebreakers = here, big ships that break the arctic ice. In a conversation, an icebreaker is what you say to start the conversation when people don’t know each other.
  12. Brave = if you are not afraid, you are brave.
Vídeo para aprender inglés click!

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Got those presents picked out yet?


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It’s time to change

niña pranticando inglés mientras juega
Have you ever tried to buy a present for a little girl? It’s ALL PINK! And it’s all GIRLY.
Is it what little girls want, or is it what we teach them to want?
This video is a TV commercial making the rounds on Internet. I’m sure you’ll find it delightful if you haven’t seen it yet! GIRLS
To practice your English, listen out for these lines of the lyrics. Can you understand them?
  1. Girls! You think you know what we want
  2. Pink and pretty is girls
  3. You like to buy us pink toys
  4. and everything else is for boys
  5. It’s time to change
  6. We deserve to see a range
  7. Cause all our toys look the same
  8. We would like to use our brains
  9. Girls that build the space ships
  10. Girls that grow up knowing that they can engineer that
  11. Don’t underestimate girls



Commercial = advertising on TV. Notice that we don’t say “Spot” (I don’t know why so many English learners think we do!). The word “commercial” is a FALSE FRIEND: It looks like a Spanish word but it means something different. So if “a commercial” in English is “un anuncio”, how do you say the Spanish word “commercial” in English? …. Give up? ok, The answer is “sales person” or “sales rep”.
Make the rounds on Internet = when a video o joke goes from one person to another to another on Internet


Lyrics = the words to a song. NOT the “letter”. A letter is what we used to write before the Internet!
A range = several or many similar things, for example Apple makes a range of electronic products.
Underestimate = When you mistakenly think that someone is not very good, strong, powerful, smart, etc. when really they are. Don’t underestimate you enemies!
And remember to think about what you are going to give the little girls in your lives for Christmas this year!
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Paper is dead! Or is it?

We certainly embrace new technologies for all the ways they make our lives easier.
Just think how hard it would be to go back to the days of looking for a pay phone on the corner or waiting for a reply to a letter sent a month ago! Life is fast!
But then again, there are still uses for paper. One thing does not necessarily mean we have to exclude the other. I love my e-book and my paper books, my old recipes handwritten on paper or torn out of newspapers…
And what about all those OTHER uses of paper? Newspaper for drying out your boots, all the way down to the toes. Paper towel in the kitchen for soaking up the oil from fried food. How many more can you think of?
Here’s one use, for fun!
Basic Vocabulary for today
go back to the days
This means to return to previous times
Notice GO BACK TO as a phrasal verb. An easy one!
Instructions you follow in when you cook something.
NOTE: don’t confuse recipe with prescription, a paper your doctor gives you so that you can buy medicine.
soak up
This work is similar to “absorb”.
You can sit on the beach and soak up the sun.


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vídeos para aprender inglés


¡Qué rápido pasa el tiempo! Se acabó el verano y ahora parece que el curso escolar se alarga ante nosotros de manera infinita. Es decir, que tenemos todo el tiempo del mundo para prepararnos para los exámenes. ¿O tal vez no?

  • “Empezaré mañana”
  • “Empezaré el fin de semana”
  • “Tengo bastante tiempo libre”


El enemigo que nos hace decir estas cosas es la PROCRASTINACIÓN: postergar las tareas principales llenando nuestro tiempo con otras innecesarias “necesarias” tareas.
Todos lo hacemos. ¿Por qué negarlo? De todas formas, hay que admitir que algunos procrastinan más que otros.

Esperamos que disfrutes con este vídeo de animación, desarrollado por el Royal College of Art en 2007, que es tan fresco ahora como entonces.
¡Oh, no! ¿Esto también es procrastinar? ¡No! Vamos a utilizar este vídeo como fuente de nuevo vocabulario y revisión de gramática.
¿Cuál es tu excusa favorita para “no dejar para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy”? ¡Cuéntanos tus excusas para procrastinar! Déjanos un comentario
¿Te gustaría desarrollar tu vocabulario y tus habilidades de escucha para preparar el examen First Certificate? Inscríbete en el cursoEnglish & Certification de LinguaSuite? ¡Deja ya de procrastinar! Entra en y encontrarás toda la información que necesitas para empezar hoy.
Anota estas nuevas estructuras gramaticales:
  • Avoiding doing something – evitar hacer algo
  • Not being able to dosomething – no ser capaz de hacer algo
  • Being unable to do something – ser incapaz de hacer algo


Algunas expresiones utilizadas en el vídeo para aprender inglés de hoy

Apóyate en la animación para ayudarte a entender lo que se dice y ¡RECUERDA ESTAS EXPRESIONES EL DÍA DEL EXAMEN!
¿Entiendes la segunda parte de cada expresión? Oculta la segunda columna y trata de adivinar cómo acaba la expresión. ¡No hagas trampas y no mires el significado! Después repasa cada expresión y trata de memorizarla.

Primera mitad
Segundo mitad
a kettle
Limpiar de cal la resistencia de la tetera
Colour coordinating
your shelves
Ordenar por colores tus estanterías
your pencil
Sacar punta al lápiz
Getting the right
pen to work
Finding the most difficult
way of doing something
Encontrar la manera más complicada de hacer algo
your emails
Agrupar tus correos por temas similares como si fuera un Tesauro
Staring at
the window
Mirar por la ventana
the dishes
Lavar los platos
your desk
Ordenar tu escritorio
Creating a
fire-escape plan
Crear un plan B o un plan de contingencia
your furniture
Reorganizar tu mobiliario
Pairing up
your socks
Emparejar tus calcetines
your pencil
Dar pequeños golpes con tu lápiz
your bike
Engrasar tu bici
your nose
Sacarse mocos
Trying to avoid
the inevitable
Tratar de evitar lo inevitable
Being afraid to
finish something
Tener miedo de acabar algo
Not knowing how
to finish something
No saber cómo acabar algo


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