Cómo aprender inglés: phrasal verbs

cómo aprender phrasal verbs
¡Está aprendiendo los phrasal verbs!
photo de LinguaSuite


Regla nº 3 para aprender los PHRASAL VERBS; ¡ENCIENDE TU ANTENA!
¿Cómo aprender inglés? Cómo aprender un phrasal verb?

Cuanto más concienciado estás, más vas a aprender los verbos compuestos o phrasal verbs (y cualquier otro concepto de la gramática o del vocabulario)
Cuando estas escuchando algo en inglés, sobre todo, presta atención no sólo a lo que dice la gente, sino también a cómo lo están diciendo. ¡Mantén encendida tu antena! Haz que sus oídos te avisen: ” Dijo pick me up ” Ella dijo: “Ellos han called off la boda.” Así aprenderás a reconocer estos verbos.
Muchos canales de televisión te permiten elegir el idioma del programa que estás viendo. Pasa algún tiempo cada semana viendo un programa en inglés. No importa si no entiendes todo. Trata de identificar las frases verbales que los personajes utilizan.
O encuentra entrevistas en Internet presta atención a cómo se usan los verbos compuestos.
Luego, trata de recordar las frases que has oído. Después de un tiempo, empezarás a utilizar los verbos más naturalmente y te se sentirás a gusto con ellos. ¡Ya estás aprendiendo los phrasal verbs!
¿Todo esto requiere un esfuerzo? Claro. ¿Y qué? ¿No hace falta hacer un esfuerzo para conseguir las cosas? Pero eso no significa que no lo vas a pasar bien. Todo lo contrario, lo pasas bien, es interesante y te da una satisfacción enorme.
Puedes ver el último post sobre cómo aprender los phrasal verbs, y los anteriores también, en este link: APRENDER LOS PHRASAL VERBS REGLA Nº 2

Si quieres escuchar muchas frases con phrasal verbs te decirlas tu misma, con lecturas, juegos y muchas actividades interactivas eso sí lo tienes fácil: LinguaSuite Curso para Preparar el First Certificate Online
Rule # 3 for learning phrasal verbs is Turn your antenna on!
The more you are aware, the more you will learn phrasal verbs (and any other grammar or vocabulary you put your attention to).
When you are listening, especially, pay attention not only to what people are saying, but also to how they are saying it. Keep your antenna on! Make your ears notice: “He said pick me up.” She said “They called off the wedding.” This is how you will learn to recognise phrasal verbs in English.
Many TV channels let you choose the language you see the program in. Spend some time every week watching a program in English. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand everything. Try to pick out the phrasal verbs the characters use.
Or find interviews online and look for the ways people use phrasal verbs.
Then try to remember the sentences you heard. After a time, the verbs will begin to come to you naturally and you will feel comfortable with them.
Does all this mean you have to make an effort? Yes, it does. And so what? Don’t we need to make an effort to achieve what we want? But this doesn’t mean that you are not going to enjoy it. Of course you will! You have a good time; it’s interesting, and it gives you enormous satisfaction.


See our previous post on learning phrasal verbs (and the ones before that as well) at the link above.

And sign up for the one course that is really going to prepare you for the First Cert, also at the link above.
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Saint Patrick’s Day

¿Sabías que el 17 DE marzo se celebra
Irish pub in Dublin
Irish pub. Photo taken by LinguaSuite
¿Sabías que no hay serpientes ni culebras en Irlanda?
Algunas personas creen que San Patricio, el Santo Patrón de Irlanda echó a todas las serpientes.
Otras personas dicen que nunca hubo serpientes en Irlanda debido a que el agua alrededor de la isla es demasiado fría para que las serpientes pudieran llegar.
En cualquier caso, ¡FELIZ DEL DÍA DE SAN PATRICIO! ¡¡Ponte una prenda de color verde el 17 de marzo!!
Did you know that there are no snakes in Ireland?
Some people believe that Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Irelandsent out all the snakes.
Other people say that there never were any snakes in Ireland because the water around the island is too cold for snakes to be able to get there.


In any case, HAPPY SAINT PATRICK’S DAY. Wear something green on the 17th of March!
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Cómo aprender inglés. Phrasal verbs

Hombre que prepara el First Certificate tirando sus listas de phrasal verbs
¡Este estudiante ha tirado sus listas de phrasal verbs a la basura!
Va a preparar el First Certificate
photo del curso de LinguaSuite

Si quieres preparar el First Certificate, vas a necesitar saber más de un phrasal verb.



La segunda cosa que debes hacer es tirar a la basura todas esas listas que tienes con los phrasal verbs a la izquierda y los verbos en español a la derecha. ¡Las listas no van a ayudarte! Si tienes que parar y pensar en la lista cuando estás hablando Inglés con alguien más, no va a funcionar.
Lo mejor que puedes hacer es es aprender los verbos en contexto. Aprenda una frase completa para cada verbo. Uno a uno. Y olvídate de traducirlos al español. Traducir es mucho más difícil que simplemente aprender nuevo vocabulario!!
Tomemos un ejemplo:
Si te acuerdas de la frase I get on well with my friend Ann, (sobre todo si realmente tiene una amiga Ann ), entonces recordarás el verbo, con su preposición. Considera los phrasal verbs como más vocabulario, simplemente. Vale, es una gran cantidad de vocabulario, pero Roma no se construyó en un día, ya sabes.
Así Regla # 2: Tira tus listas a la basura. Aprenda los phrasal verbs de uno en uno en una frase que signifique algo para ti.
Se puede practicar una gran cantidad de frases útiles con verbos compuestos (entre otros): ¡leer, escuchar, escribir y hablar ! Con Inglés y Certificación curso de LinguaSuite

Puedes ver la primera regla para aprender los phrasal verbs aquí: APRENDER LOS PHRASAL VERBS REGLA Nº 1



The second thing you should do is throw away all those lists you have of phrasal verbs on the left and Spanish verbs on the right. The lists will not help! If you have to stop and think of the list when you are speaking English with someone else, it won’t work.
The best thing is to learn the verbs in context. Learn a whole sentence for each verb. One at a time. And forget about translating them to Spanish.Translating is MUCH more difficult than simply learning new vocabulary!
Let’s take an example:
If you remember I get on well with my friend Ann, (especially if you really have a friend Ann) then you will remember the verb with its preposition. Think of phrasal verbs as just more vocabulary. OK, it’s a lot of vocabulary, but Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know.
So Rule #2: Throw your lists away. Learn phrasal verbs one at a time in a context sentence that means something to you.

You can practice lots of useful sentences with phrasal verbs (among others): reading them, listening, and speaking! With LinguaSuite’s English & Certification course. Click on the link above!

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Cómo aprender inglés: Phrasal Verbs


Regla # 1 para aprender los PHRASAL VERBS: ¡¡RELÁJATE!!
A menos que tenga que pasar un examen, puedes relajarte sobre la necesidad de utilizar los verbos compuestos cuando hablas o escribes. ¿En serio? Bueno, casi. Hay algunos muy comunes que vas a aprender, pero hay mucho más que podrás evitar utilizando otros verbos, verbos que a menudo son muy similares en inglés y español .
Así que me puedo olvidar todo sobre los verbos compuestos, ¿verdad? ¡FALSO!
A menudo se puede encontrar otra manera de expresarte, pero NO PUEDES CONTROLAR LO QUE OTRAS PERSONAS DICEN O ESCRIBEN. Tienes que ser capaz de entender los phrasal verbs porque se usan. Mucho. Pero entender es más fácil que hablar.
Eso reduce el estrés poco, ¿no?
El estrés está presente, sin embargo, si tienes que aprobar un examen para certificar sus conocimientos de Inglés. Para el examen del First Certificate, tienes que ser capaz de producir los phrasal verbs y tienes que estudiarlos. Una buena manera es con un curso específico sólo para preparar el examen del First.
Esta es una buena: ENGLISH & CERTIFICATION
Así que REGLA Nº 1: ¡RELÁJATE!



La semana que viene: Regla nº 2 para aprender PHRASAL VERBS


Rule #1 to learning phrasal verbs is RELAX!!
Unless you have to pass an exam, you can relax about needing to use phrasal verbs when you speak or write. Really?! Well, nearly. There are some very common ones you will learn like PUT ON YOUR SHOES, but there are a lot more that you can replace with other verbs, verbs that are often very similar in English and Spanish.
So I can forget all about phrasal verbs, right?WRONG!
You can often find another way to express your meaning but YOU CAN’T CONTROL WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY OR WRITE. You do need to be able to UNDERSTAND phrasal verbs because they are used. A lot. But understanding is easier than saying.
That takes the stress off a bit, doesn’t it?
The stress is on, though, if you have to take an exam to certify your knowledge of English. For the First Certificate Exam, you really do have to be able to produce phrasal verbs and you need to study them. A good way is with a specific course just for preparing the First Exam. Check out the link above.
So Rule # 1 RELAX!
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preparar el First Certificate: outside y out


¿Confundes las palabras en inglés OUTSIDE y OUT?

EAT OUTSIDE significa comer al aire libre.
EAT OUT significa comer fuera, probablemente en un restaurante.

Este es un error en inglés muy frecuente en el examen del First Certificate.

El examinador te puede preguntar si te gusta comer OUTSIDE y empiezas a decir que tu familia come en un restaurante para celebrar los cumpleaños. Oh dear….

GO OUTSIDE = ir fuera del edificio
GO OUT = salir



Más vocabulario en inglés para ayudarte con el First Certificate Exam y para ayudarte a hablar inglés en cualquier situación:



Si quieres preparar el First Certificate de verdad, recomendamos este curso: LinguaSuite English & Certification



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Dichos famosos en inglés: Education is the most powerful weapon

vocabulario en inglés: EDUCATION y MANNERS

¿Quién dijo esto? ¡Es una de nuestras frases celebres en inglés favoritas!


La educación es el arma más potente que puedes usar para cambiar el mundo

¡Mañana os diremos quién dijo esta frase famosa!

Vocabulario en inglés para hoy:
Estas son nuestras 2 palabras de vocabulario inglés para hoy: EDUCATION y MANNERS.

EDUCATION se refiere a las cosas que aprendes. De los libros, de cursos, de otras personas o de tu propia experiencia.

No confundes EDUCATION con MANNERS. La palabra MANNERS se refiere a las normas de comportamiento, de tratar a otras personas con consideración y ¡de portarte bien en la mesa!

Abajo tienes 2 frases en inglés para aclarar este vocabulario.

Who said this?

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


Find out tomorrow who the famous person is who said this sentence!!

Vocabulary in English for today::
Notice the word EDUCATION in English. It refers to what you learn. From books, or other people, or your own experiences.
Don’t confuse EDUCATION with MANNERS. Manners are the way you treat other people with consideration and the way you follow the standards of polite behavior.

Look at these sentences:
He never had a formal education, but he knows a lot about many things!
Eating with your mouth open is bad manners!
For more posts on English vocabulary, click here:
Para más posts con vocabulario inglés, pincha aquí:
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Have you ever seen someone sign an email or card like this XOXO?

Do you know what it means?

The letter X represents a KISS* and the O is a HUG*. WHY????

It is believed that this custom comes from the Middle Ages*.

Sometimes people had to sign a document but they did not know how to write. So they would write an X and then kiss it as a way to show the signature* was true. (I suppose they symbol for a hug is just obvious…)

Do you know the expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve“? In Spanish it would be something like “llevar tu corazón en la manga”. A bit strange. It means that you don’t hide your feelings; that other people know how you feel, especially about another person.

Why do we say that?

Again, it appears that this expression comes from medieval times. On Valentine’s Day, unmarried men and women used to pick a name from a plate and pin the name to the sleeve of their clothes. For a week! Not too sure what happened after that. Do you know?

Check out these posts for more interesting facts on holidays and traditions:


KISS = un beso, besar
HUG = un abrazo, abrazar
THE MIDDLE AGES = la edad media
SIGNATURE = when you write your name on a document, this is your signature

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GROUNDHOG DAY results 2014

from the official Groundhog club site
Holidays: Groundhogs Day

Do you get it? Basically, MORE WINTER!!!


seer = a person who can SEE the future, like a clairvoyant

stump = when you cut down a tree, what is left is the stump, a short piece of tree in the ground

awaken = similar to WAKE UP

shadow = when you stand in a sunny place, you see your SHADOW. Don’t confuse this work with SHADE

shade = when it is hot and sunny, you look for some shade where you can sit and be cool

You can see more about this at the official Groundhog Day site: groundhog.org

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Dichos famosos en inglés: Happiness is the key to life


niña  LinguaSuite



“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”

Many people think John Lennon said this, but other people are not so surt. What about you? Have you heard this before?

Anyway, who cares? The quote is a good one, whoever said it!

Do you have any favorite quotes from John Lennon or other people? Share them with us!!

When I was 5 years old = Careful, NOT When I had 5 years or With 5 years !!
Grow up = When you stop being a child and start being an adult, you grow up.
Assignment = Your teacher gives you an assignment to do for homework.

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Groundhog Day- Cómo ligar en inglés

Today, the 2nd of February, is one of our funniest Holidays— GROUNDHOG DAY!

A good day to LIGAR EN INGLÉS?? In English, “ligar” is to pick somene up.

In one scene in Groundhog Day, Bill Murray is trying to get Andie MacDowell to fall in love with him. But they don’t even really know each other!

The scene is great for learning for pick up lines in English.

Hmmm or is it? Watch the clip and listen to Bill. What do you think of his pick up lines??

Here are some of the key sentences. Can you hear them?
  1. If you only had one day to live, what would you do with it?
  2. I’m interested in you. What do you want?
  3. What do you like?
  4. What do you think about?
  5. What kind of men do you like?
  6. What do you do for fun?
  7. Talk to me. Let me buy you a cup of coffee. And a doughnut.
  8. So what do you want out of life anyway?
  9. Are you seeing anyone?
  10. What I really want is someone like you.
  11. Who is your prefect guy?
Andie resists!
  1. Is this for real or are you just trying to make me look like a fool.
  2. I think this is getting too personal, I don’t think I’m ready to share this with you.
  3. Oh please!
Listen for these qualities she wants in a man:
Humble, intelligent, supportive, funny, romantic, courageous, has a good body but doesn’t have to look in the mirror every 2 minutes, kind, sensitive, gentle, likes animals and children, will change poopy diapers, he plays an instrument, he loves his mother

Back to Ground Hog’s Day, today!

It’s part of popular culture in the USA, made even more famous by the movie of the same name.

The idea is that when the groundhog comes out of his hole, if he sees his shadow, he will be frightened and go back in again and we will have another 6 weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, spring is around the corner.

Where ever did we get such a crazy idea?!

photo of a groundhog
A GROUNDHOG photo from Wikipedia

Apparently, in ancient times, people in (what is now) Germany thought that a similar animal, the badger, could predict the weather and tell them when it was a good time to do the planting. When the first German immigrants came to Pennsylvania, they kept the tradition.

Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania held its first Groundhog Day in the United States in the 1800s. Today the town attracts thousands of visitors every year.


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