Use of English FCE: Cloze text for Part 2

Para preparar el First Certificate de Cambridge, es importante entrenarte antes para tener un buen resultado. El examen del First tiene 4 partes:

  1. Reading and Use of English
  2. Writing
  3. Listening
  4. Speaking

Vamos a centrarnos hoy en Reading and Use of English Part 2. Es un Cloze text: un texto con huecos donde tienes que escribir una sola palabra. En este caso, transformando una palabra que aparece en el examen.

Aquí tienes el listado de palabras en inglés para transformar e insertar en los huecos en el texto ENERGY DRINKS:

  1. trade
  2. fuel
  3. die
  4. appear
  5. respond
  6. near
  7. grow
  8. rough
Energy Drinks
On Wall Street, energy drinks are the fuel that keep 1. _________ floors going. It’s the same with athletes and students, studying for exams
But in recent weeks, the drinks have become an embattled choice, 2. _________ by reports about a small number of 3. _________ after using the drinks.
Guardian readers shared with us their experiences of energy drinks. Some reported extreme symptoms – heart palpitations, and in one case 4. _________ seizures.
Those 5. _________ are not completely uncommon. In the US, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration said it found a 6. _________ ten-fold increase in the number of emergency-room visits related to energy drinks.
While the numbers of emergency room visits look high, they are within the context of the stratospheric 7. _________ of the energy-drink industry. For instance, while emergency room visits grew tenfold between 2005 and 2009, energy drinks as a category grew 240% between 2004 and 2009 – 8. _________ the same period.

(from The Guardian)

Las respuestas correctas son estas:

  1. trading
  2. fueled
  3. deaths
  4. apparent
  5. responses
  6. nearly
  7. growth
  8. roughly
¿Qué tal lo has hecho? Vamos a ver las 8 palabras claves del vocabulario en inglés de este texto cloze:

1. trading floors = parqués de los mercados de valores

trading es el adjectivo del verbo o nombre trade.

2. fueled =

fueled es el participio del verbo to fuel

3. deaths* = sustantivo de die

4. apparent es el adjetivo, aunque más que aparecer, significa algo como evidente.

5.responses = respuestas

el sustantivo del verbo respond, al plural

6. nearly** = significa casi y es el adverbio del adjetivo near

7. growth =
crecimiento, el sustantivo del verbo grow.

8. roughly** = aproximadamente, adverbio de rough

NOTAS: Observa estas palabras facilmente confundible:

*death = la muerte o muerto como sustantivo

There were 3 deaths in the accident.

*dead = muerto como adjetivo

George Washington is dead.

*die = morir

He died in battle.

*kill = matar

The boss is going to kill me!

**nearly = casi, pero menos

**roughly = aproximadamente, puede ser un poco por encima o por debajo

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