Where does Thanksgiving come from?

In the last post we talked about what Americans do on Thansgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day in the USA
But where does Thanksgiving come from? Disney Factory? Hollywood? No!
The modern Thanksgiving holiday tradition comes from a celebration in 1621 in Plymouth Massachusettes.
We celebrate the feast between the Pilgrims, religious separatists from England, and the Wampanoag Indians who had taught them how to grow corn (like in the picture). The feast and thanksgiving was to celebrate their harvest good enough to guarantee survival through the winter to come.
Not all historians think this version is true, but it’s good enough for most people. Except many native Americans, of course, some of whom understandably protest at Plymouth Rock every year.
School children dress up as Pilgrims and Indians, paint pictures of the first Thanksgiving Day, and put on a show for the parents.
And the President pardons the life of one lucky turkey. No joke!
And here’s the video of the Macy’s missing in the last post. Oops! Macy’s Parade